Plenary Speech

Dr. Sharmila Mohammed Salleh

CEO Yayasan Inovasi Malaysia

Speech 1:

Innovation in Propolis Productionand Honey Dehydration

Siti Zaharah binti Hassan

Penolong Pegawai Penyelidik (Kanan) MARDI

Speech 2:

Good Lab Practice in GMP Environment

Encik Azman bin Abdul Jalil

CEO Imedikel Sdn. Bhd.

Speech 3:

Microplastic in Marine life and Human Health

Prof. Madya Dr. Yusuf Shuaib Ibrahim

Ketua Penyelidik, MRIG, UMT

Speech 4:

Technology and Innovation in Marine Life Conservation (Sea Turtle)

Abu Bakar Al Siddiq bin Abd Salam

FRI, Rantau Abang

Speech 5:

Revolution in Microscopy

Encik David Lyn

General Manager Matrix Optics (M) Sdn. Bhd.